
cPanel/WHM (28)

cPanel/WHM Tutorials, includes Video Tutorials

DNS (1)

DNS & Name Servers

Upgrading (3)

How to Upgrade my Server

VPS Management (5)

Managing your VPS

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 How to Redirect Your Printer

Login to Remote Desktop Connection Program Click on control panel Click on “View...

 How to access server via Remote Desktop (RDP)

Connecting to Your VPS with the Traditional Windows Client Now you're all ready to remotely...

 How to Share Files Between Your Windows VPS and Your Local Computer Using Remote Desktop Connection

1. Open the Remote Desktop Connection program2. Click the "Options" button on the bottom left,...

 Opening Ports on your Linux server via iptables

To open ports via local tables you will need to have command line access to your server. Please...

 Video Tutorial: Create Hosting Account in WHM

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