Start by going to and click the green "SIGN UP" button on the same row as the plan you are wanting/needing
Configure Server
- Choose the billing cycle that is best for you: monthly, semi-annual, or annual
- Hostname - Choose something that will identify your server. For example, if it is associated with companyA, something like will work
- Nameserver 1 Prefix: Enter "ns1"
- Nameserver 2 Prefix: Enter "ns2"
- Root Password: Choose a password that you will remember
Configurable Options
- Location: Choose the location that is geographically closest to you.
- Operating System: Choose the OS of your choice - it should be auto-filled with the preselected OS
- Managed Service - Hosting Control Panel: Please leave this set to "No Hosting Control Panel"
Additional Required Information
- Please choose how you heard about us from the dropdown
Now click the blue "Continue" button on the right side of the screen
On this next page you'll enter your billing details. Click the blue checkout button at the bottom and your purchase is completed.